Friday, September 6, 2024

Atheists Are Morons

Posted by Troy Eckhardt on February 23, 2012 at 8:45 pm

Atheists are Morons

I saw a post from a friend of a friend on Facebook who thought this little gem of a picture was somehow witty, or at least somewhat logical. I replied with the following:

Anyone who claims to be Christian and who also believes that humans are or become angels has not even the first rudimentary clue about biblical Christianity. It’s a pretty sad statement that some might believe so, but it’s certainly no majority. That some claim to follow Christ while acting like heathen and not bothering to read the Bible is unfortunate. That others assume that all who believe in Christ as God are illiterate, uneducated, irrational bumpkins is also unfortunate. That is the assumption made by the creator of this little image. While not offensive to me, per se, it is irksome.

As for an debate about the providential and/or sovereign nature of God, i.e., does God ordain (or at least permit) evil that good may come of it, well, obviously, a trite attempt at a smack-down like this one offers nothing. To debate such things with non-believers is also a waste of my time. I need some small relief from my work, though, so I’ll squander a little bit of time. Although the question was asked sarcastically and caustically, I’ll answer as a Christian who’s somewhat well-read and educated. I think the Bible supports the following beliefs:

I believe that all babies are created by God. This includes all babies conceived by rape.

I believe that a child is not necessarily a blessing. This has a lot to do with how it’s raised, whether it’s permitted to live, etc.

I believe rape is evil and is not ordained by God. Neither is scrambling the kid, though.

I believe that a child conceived in rape CAN be a blessing to its mother and to innumerable other people. It can also be a pile of cytoplasm in a trash can, which blesses no one.

Because Genesis 6 seems to indicate that fallen angels can procreate with humans (according to only one interpretation, mind you), I suspect that angels can rape humans as well. The verses say nothing about rape, however. Perhaps these were cases of consensual procreation. The scripture say that there was marriage involved. These beings are called “sons of God,” but so are Christians in other places in scripture. Perhaps these were not angelic beings at all, but rather descendants of Seth. But this is all just moot to those who are too intelligent to believe any of this mythology.

I believe that most (if not all) rapes committed against humans from the beginning of time were also committed by humans. Therefore very few (if any) rapists of humans are angels. If I’m ever raped, I plan to assume the perp is human. I certainly do not believe rapists become angels through the act of raping; a theory which this little image seems to espouse.

God’s work on Earth: There’s the rub, you know. Is a conception and birth God’s work? I believe all acts of creation are. Did the rapist, or the angel, or the rapist angel, or the angel raper, or the velociraptor carry out God’s work? No – God did.

The BIG question is the one that’s so hard for the self-proclaimed “freethinking, reasoning, logic-loving” atheist to grasp. Did God A) Use evil to cause this birth because He wanted this particular set of phenotypes, but that stupid woman wouldn’t bonk the right guy, so he had the guy go rape her, or B)Let someone be blessed even though she was raped, allowing what some man meant for evil to result in a blessing despite the criminal intentions of the father?

Can an evil action bring about God’s will on Earth? I think the more appropriate question is whether an act of evil can STOP God’s will on Earth. I don’t believe it can.

Humans are inherently evil. They rape, steal, lie, kill, and throw metaphorical stones at people who hold opinions and beliefs that differ from their own. Bad stuff happens. Time and chance killed my toddler son last year. Frankly, I’ve gotten a few blessings from God as a result, and I don’t see the use in “aborting” any of them. My faith has grown stronger in ways I didn’t know it could as a result of my tragedy. Could God bless a raped woman? Can God forgive a rapist? Can God offer a grieving father the hope of seeing his child again? Yes. If you don’t believe so, well, let’s just say I won’t whip up some simple clipart to tell you how stupid I think you are. Or maybe I will, but I think it would be evil – like raping people. They’re both acts in which one attempts to exhibit dominance over another, right?

What is the real intent of the author of this little image? To belittle those whom he deems less intelligent? To persuade believers to think about how silly they are through the use of a goofy non sequitur? To point out that anti-abortionists must also believe that God is evil? Whatever the intent, the whole thing just falls flat and fails miserably. The little philosoraptor makes it all the more pathetic as well.

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