Wednesday, January 22, 2025

I Dislike Obama (and BoingBoing, too)

Posted by Troy Eckhardt on October 16, 2008 at 11:20 pm

NObamaI used to have an active love/hate relationship with’s RSS feed, but I no longer subject myself to the rantings of its moderating monkeys.

I peruse hundreds of feeds with thousands of posts almost every day, and back when I subscribed to boingboing its entries were of two kinds: either utterly fascinating, or so politically liberal they make Marx look like Reagan. I read the first group and almost completely ignored the second. Then on October 9th, 2008, I came across two articles which were so egregious they caused me to decide to break my silence, register with boingboing, and let my opinions be known.

After carefully crafting responses to these articles, I found that these free-thinking, freedom-loving, open-minded liberals had a surprising means of censoring people whose opinions they do not want to tolerate. The moderators “disemvowel” any comments with which they disagree, that is to say, they strip the vowels from the comments, rendering them illegible. Naturally, I was offended by their disregard for free speech. I thought they were good liberals, but apparently I was mistaken.

The boingboing FAQ states thay I am free to exercise my first amendment right to free speech on my own website; I have chosen to do just that.

Below are links to their articles and my comments, with vowels intact. My username on boingboing is T Rex, and I have highlighted my comments in red.

Hard questions for Palin on billboard opposite LA rally site

#17 posted by T Rex , October 9, 2008 5:48 AM
Hard question #1 for Obama bin Biden:

How many states are there in the United States of America? Hint: There are not 57.

When the folks at BoingBoing want to get serious and stop with the asinine, puerile, leftist garbage, or at least balance it out with truth, let us know, OK?

#18 posted by insomma , October 9, 2008 6:06 AM

T REX how many million years old are you?

Sorry, had to!

#19 posted by Master Mahan , October 9, 2008 7:20 AM

#17: Are you sure you know what asinine and puerile mean? It’s what you’re doing right now.

#20 posted by T Rex , October 9, 2008 7:29 AM


Como va?

I’m .000038 million years old, and you?

More to your insinuated point, no tyrannosaur ever lived even close to one million years, as far as I know.

Sorry, had to too!

T Rex

#21 posted by T Rex , October 9, 2008 7:31 AM

#19: Clever. Wow.

Conservatives irked by “ostentatiously exotic” pronunciation of Pakistan

#115 posted by T Rex , October 9, 2008 6:54 AM

Obama’s pronunciation of “Pakistan” is, indeed, ostentatiously exotic. Does he say MEK-sik-oh or MEH-hi-ko? How about München or Munich? Does he offer this linguistic distinction only to Islamic countries? More importantly, does he say POCK-i-stahn at his own dinner table? I’d bet that he does not.

The simple fact is this: When pompous asses like Obama intentionally pronounce every foreign proper noun as THEY THINK it would be pronounced by a native speaker, they sound like, well, pompous asses.

This has nothing to do with education. I dare say I have more education than Obama, for whatever that’s worth. However, I say Munich when I speak English, and München when I speak German. Being well-educated does not entitle me to put on airs. Moreover, it’s OK, in fact, it’s absolutely proper to pronounce a foreign word as it is traditionally pronounced in most (if not all) dialects of American English, especially when seeking public office in a place in which American English is the official language (if not by law, by default.) God knows that foreigners intentionally mispronounce English words, morphing a word into something that’s comfortably pronounceable with the set of phonemes that they use every day. We do the same here, and it’s no crime. It’s not indicative of one’s educational status in the least.

Isn’t Obama pretending to be in touch with the “common man” anyway? Just remember, for every one of you wannabe-erudite, smug, quasi-sentient liberals who are waving Obama’s flag, you are joined by at least five hundred basically functionally retarded, illiterate, gub’mint hand-out seekers who can’t even pronounce English words in English, let alone foreign words, and who couldn’t even point to Pakistan on a map of Southwest Asia.

#117 posted by Master Mahan , October 9, 2008 7:21 AM

#110: Just wanted to point out that according to the latest Gallup poll, us smug, quasi-sentient liberals and functionally retarded, illiterate, gub’mint hand-out seekers currently make up 52% of the population. Can you really blame us for being smug?

#121 posted by T Rex , October 9, 2008 7:52 AM


1. The polls be damned – Your numbers are greater than 52%. Of course, the elite, by definition, would have to exclude the majority. Thank God most of the 52%+ wont be able to stagger to a voting booth on the 4th, even if the libs bus in indigents and tempt them with packs of cigarettes again like they did in ’04.

2. It’s WE smug, quasi-sentient liberals…

3. Am I still “doing” puerile?

4. Cheers!

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