Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Getting Back On Track

Posted by Troy Eckhardt on November 6, 2008 at 12:39 pm


One of my friends commented on a post of mine in the following manner:

Pray also for a healing of the divisiveness that has captivated America. Pray that those who did not vote for Barrack can see past that now and commit themselves to getting this country back on track. YES WE CAN!

My answer to this comment is as follows:

This country has been sharply divided (this time) since 1990, halfway through George H. W. Bush’s presidency. Electing a extreme leftist with a super majority in the House and Senate is NOT going to re-unite anything. Additionally, I am unable to “see past” not voting for a man whose ideologies are 180 degrees from what America needs. Alan Keyes knows what America needs, and I wish he’d been elected.

What we have now is a bunch of people excited because Obama sold them a bill of goods, promising that the self-titled “poor” are now going to be somehow better off. These are the “poor” who wear tons of gold jewelry, watch huge color televisions, drive modern cars, and live under a roof in a nation in which anyone can be and can do anything to which they set their hearts and minds. Many of these eat off tax money, refuse to work, and pay no income taxes.

Compared to the poor in Ghana and those all over the rest of the world, we here in the USA are ALL rich beyond measure, and treated like kings even on the worst of days. Yet some scream for this nebulous “change” that Obama offers, but which he has yet to define beyond wild fantasy wishes being fulfilled. There is even news footage of a woman at an Obama rally supposing that if Obama is elected, she won’t have to worry about paying her mortgage or for her gasoline. What did she mean by this? Does she, like so many others, view Obama as some sort of genie with a magic wand? Is she insane? What exactly is Obama’s idea of change?

We are now witness to people dancing up and down in the streets, coronating and then hailing King Obama because of his munificence and benevolence to all “poor” people of the USA. People who have been held back by “the man” for multiple generations. People who cannot hold a job today because their great, great grandfather, whom they never met, was sold into slavery 200 years ago. These same people couldn’t name so much as one of the five rights guaranteed by the first amendment, yet they have blindly swayed the history of the great nation in which they live; the nation that they imagine has held them back from whatever glory they think is due them. The nation that secured the rights God has granted them, which they would gladly sell in the name of getting an even free-er ride.

Obama has also promised to attempt to duplicate the failed socialized medical programs of parts of Europe and Canada, where people wait until the cancer eats them alive before getting in to see a doctor about it. I agree that everyone deserves access to affordable health care, but part of the answer lies in reforming the litigiousness of our society by disallowing frivolous lawsuits. We also need a return to a true free market environment in the medical arena. All insurance should be forced to return to a mutual status. All doctors should be forced to honor the legal tender of the country, and not just sleep with particular insurance companies. And by “forced,” I do not mean by governmental regulation, but through the beautiful mechanisms of a capitalistic free market economy.

The train is not going to get back on track by lurching further into the woods, and toward the ravine of socialism. The fundamental problem that is causing the division in America is the difference in definition of “on track.” To me “on track” means offering everyone an equal chance to be what he or she wants to be, not throwing other peoples’ money at the “poor” to satiate them one month at a time. It means allowing good people to help those who are in need through their own volition, not by fiat. It means not punishing the jobmakers by taking their profits in order to feed chronically lazy people. It means taking responsibility for one’s own actions and not pretending that others are culpable for one’s shortfalls.

Furthermore, I cannot pray for reconciliation if that reconciliation involves a capitulation to ideals that go against my God’s precepts. For example, my God abhors all types of murder, including abortion. Obama believes that it is alright to slaughter the unborn as long as it’s convenient for the mother. He even supports allowing barely pubescent girls to undergo this “surgery” without parental consent, preferring that the government act in loco parentis because the ignorant parents don’t appreciate a child’s “right to choose.” My God demands that if a man won’t work, he won’t eat. Obama was elected by promising millions of people even more benefits for not working, playing on a victim mentality that could quite possibly be the undoing of our society.

My God also tells me to pray for the leaders of my country, which I do. I wish Obama well, and I hope he wakes up, gets saved, reads the Bible, and abides by its precepts in his private life and his governance of the country. THAT’S the chain of reconciling events for which I pray.

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