Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Is Obama a Racist?

Posted by Troy Eckhardt on April 1, 2010 at 7:41 am

Der ObamaPresident Obama, why do you so cavalierly demonize Israel, putting millions of Israelis’ lives at risk? Do you hate all Jews, or just those in Israel? Are you a racist?

Al Sharpton and his goon squad of race baiters run around claiming that the tea party-ers are racist for saying things like “take back America;” Trumping up garbage about things they’ve heard on tapes that don’t exist. They’re so nasty they give plain ol’ everyday racists a bad name.

Normally I don’t play the race card unless I think a person is actually racist. Michelle Obama is definitely racist. I have a copy of her thesis to prove it – you know, the one they tried very hard to hide before the election. She’s more racist than any five of the white, half-baked rednecks I’ve ever known. Albeit, I don’t know too many Neo-Nazi skinhead d-bags. Bubba, the garden variety redneck, might use the word “nigger” in everyday speech, but he doesn’t blame ten generations of blacks for every failure he’s ever experienced. Now THAT would be racism.

I especially love the way we tiptoe around and, in hushed tones, refer to the epithet as “the N word,” as if it’s Jehovah’s name or something. Nigger nigger nigger. It’s in two thirds of the rap songs playing today. Jesse and Al and their ilk don’t dislike the word; they dislike whites. They are racists. And holy guano, Batman! Next to them, Obama is a freakin’ genius. Dang! At least he can read the teleprompters pretty well.

Now the President, he might not be racist. In the case of this headline, I was playing off the Shapton cronies’ race baiting circus sideshow in the media of late. I actually would rather believe that the President isn’t racist, although I stand by my opinion that racism elected him.

Maybe it’s not Jews that bother Obama, but the nation’s sovereignty and its right to possess its own land. From where I stand I see him trying to publicly humiliate Benjamin Netanyahu in DC for not giving a bunch of violent, spiteful, homeless squatters huge chunks of his country. That’s a hell of a way to treat the only allies we have (or ever will have) in the Middle East. He all but bitch-slapped him like a half-white stepchild… Ooops! Did I really think and type that?

The USA could burn Israel to the ground, then rebuild it and give it to the Palestinians for Ramadan, and they would still want us dead. That notwithstanding, we have no more right to spurn Israel for not ceding the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank than they would have telling us to give mythical “Aztlan” back to our illegal squatters.

Naturally, I am insulted when someone calls me a racist merely because I think Obama is a retard. And people do it. A lot. All the time. Obama would be retarded if he were caucasian, mongoloid, negroid, martian, or pachydermian. Hell, I voted for a black man for president once, and one that’s a hell of a sight blacker than Obama. I’m talking a bona fide spook, according to Harry Reid’s standards. And Republicans are racist because they don’t like Obamacare? Please, spare me.

I’m not racist, but I’d sure rather see a wop or kike or spic in the White House than this halfrican American. Maybe a gook. Certainly a kraut or polack.

Well, this white-bread, cracker, mick-kraut bastard honky is going back to work now. Someone has to pay for all this “free” medicine.

As you can see, I won’t worship at the alter of political correctness, either.

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