Posted by Troy Eckhardt on January 22, 2015
A friend of mine asked the following question on Facebook:
Ok, since everyone is posting political stuff thanks to the state of the Union speech last night….I’d like your opinion on this….Does the American Dream still exist?? You know, if you work hard enough you can be successful. Is hard work enough anymore?
Over 100 comments later, here is the answer I gave: WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on March 31, 2014
It is no secret that I am angry at the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and I have been since the day they traded our time-honored values in exchange for stacks of money (mostly from AT&T and its CEO Randall Stephenson.) WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on June 27, 2013
What’s wrong with two people of the same gender who are in love getting married to each other? It’s a good question, and I’m glad you asked. Although for many people, “The Bible says it’s wrong,” is enough to justify the sentiment, it does not really address the question in a secular way. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on May 31, 2012
Another case has arisen in which an adult homosexual has been removed from a leadership position in the BSA. As I watch the videos of the woman protesting and sincerely crying in sorrow and frustration, I am greatly moved. I can see her anguish and, as Bill Clinton once declared, I feel her pain. I know intimately what loss is. After my young son died in early 2011, I became even more acutely aware of pain and grief than I had ever been before – and I wasn’t exactly calloused before the experience. I almost want to hug and comfort the poor woman. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on February 26, 2011
One of my friends recently asked me why I had written that Bush II is a RINO, and he suggested that perhaps I should write a manifesto on what a Republican should be, just so everyone could sleep at night. He was concerned that there might be people to the right of Georgie. Although clearly no manifesto, my reply does go a bit toward defining what a true Republican should be, and below is part of that reply. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on May 10, 2010
A guest post by Grace Gan
This should make everyone think, be you Democrat, Republican or Independent
As you listen to the news about the student protests over illegal immigration, there are some things that you should be aware of: WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on April 13, 2010
Last night on the “reverend” Al Shapton’s show, a woman called in and said she doesn’t care who gets into the Supreme Court. It could be either a black man or a black woman. Why didn’t the good “reverend” call her a racist pig? Maybe because he’s on an all black network, which isn’t racist, either, come to think about it. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on April 1, 2010
President Obama, why do you so cavalierly demonize Israel, putting millions of Israelis’ lives at risk? Do you hate all Jews, or just those in Israel? Are you a racist?
Al Sharpton and his goon squad of race baiters run around claiming that the tea party-ers are racist for saying things like “take back America;” Trumping up garbage about things they’ve heard on tapes that don’t exist. They’re so nasty they give plain ol’ everyday racists a bad name. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on March 29, 2010
Closed warrants?!? Tell us, oh transparent government, why did my FBI storm the homes of members of a Michigan militia? We want to know.
Yes, the Hutaree are retarded, anti-Israel kooks, but this smells awfully bad to me. Something is terribly wrong here – just like it was in Waco, TX last decade. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »
Posted by Troy Eckhardt on March 11, 2010
Does this guy think he’s a king? Seriously, what’s the deal? Forty people would have been outrageous!
The article says it all, really. Click on the image to enlarge and read it. Or see this link.